Lesotho experienced a surge of Covid-19 cases in December and January with all of the holiday travel. For a time, the country’s Covid treatment facilities were beyond maximum capacity, as were mortuaries. The country went into a strict lockdown in early January. PCC also had an active outbreak of Covid-19. It was a very stressful time! I would like to especially commend the staff from our Management Team on-duty during that time: Manager Ntate Moruti Hlompho and House Father Ntate Labone. Also, we extend an enormous thank you to our friend and advising pediatrician, Dr Jill Sanders. Her calm, directive nature helped us quickly get the situation under control. We were so thankful to have only 3 children and 2 staff members become ill, and only with mild symptoms. Thankfully the Covid-19 situation is dramatically improved throughout the country. Restrictions are gradually lifting and March brings the return of in-person learning for students across the country. The Ministry of Health has been very involved in helping each school prepare sanitation and hygiene protocols to make this as safe as possible for everyone involved. We are hopeful. Like many students across the globe, it has been a year since many of our children have been in their classrooms. Virtual classrooms are not possible in such a rural part of the world. At PCC, however, we have had the tremendous benefit of many adults and older siblings. For the past year older children and staff members have been facilitating study groups with younger children.