We’ve been blessed with several visiting teams in the last 2 months. Whether it is a specialized skill or building a relationship with a child or staff member, each visitor brings something valuable to PCC.
Our kids went “all in” during Tug of War with our visitors from Shelley Beach!
Twice a year we get a visit from a team at Shelley Beach Full Gospel Church in South Africa. In September they brought their varied skills and talents to us. We had special games (tug of war!) and treats for the kids. Some of the volunteers are medical professionals and also help care for the community with blood pressure, and blood sugar checks, as well as eye exams.
Eye exams with Nurse Cathy from Shelley Beach Full Gospel Church.
We also had quick visits from our Irish friends at One Day: Lesotho. They are busy building a facility to care for children in the northern part of Lesotho. And they were able to bring their mission teams for a stay at PCC to experience what they are hoping to create with their own project. We’re excited about the progress One Day is making and look forward to seeing how God uses their project to transform lives in Lesotho.
Lineo and Ntate Moruti discuss some new ideas for motivating our kids during soccer practice
Another visitor was Emily’s friend Lineo (dee-NAY-oh), who is a missionary to youth in Maseru. She has a wealth of wisdom and experience in working with kids. Because she is a native of Lesotho, she is able to bring that wisdom to us in the context of the local culture and speak to our children and staff in their heart language.
Schooling Woes
We thank you all for your prayers regarding the challenges with local schools. We are happy to say that the teachers’ strike ended soon after our last newsletter and everyone returned to school. Please do continue praying for our children’s education. We would love to see the standards raised for both pupils and teachers.
Shepherd School
Shepherd School
We’re very proud of the Shepherd School initiative that Jill is leading. Four evenings each week, close to 20 shepherds seem to slip out of the shadows and enter the school room at PCC. They range from young boys to old men, some with a bit of schooling, others just learning their alphabet.
It was exceptionally moving to me (Emily) to listen to older men sing the alphabet song as they learned to recognize each letter. What a beautiful picture of living out the gospel of Jesus: demonstrating to the ‘least of these’ in our community that they are valuable, and doing so in a way that builds-up the local community.
This project is funded separately from Pulane Children’s Centre donations, so if you are interested in donating toward the Shepherd School, please contact us.