Covid-19 Update for Lesotho
While official reports for the prevalence of COVID19 in Lesotho appear very positive, with only 4 confirmed cases to date, we believe a more accurate estimate is closer to rates in South Africa. Lesotho is surrounded on all side by South Africa and the majority of the border is porous, with people traveling freely by foot from one country to the other. Lesotho was able to begin testing for COVID19 in May. Even so, healthcare professionals were still in need of training in order to properly collect an accurate sample. In the past month, training has happened in hospitals and clinics around the country to help improve the quality of samples sent to South Africa for analysis.
Johannes and Peter are the official cooks for the boys during our COVID19 lockdown. Photo credit: Ntate Moruti
Staff and Children Rising to the Challenge
David uses his natural gift with animals to fill-in with livestock care. Photo credit: Ntate Moruti
Bernadette uses a newly installed hand washing station on the path to Pulane village. Loosening the cap on the jug releases a stream of soapy water. Photo credit: Ntate Moruti
Our staff and children at PCC continue to operate with COVID 19 preventative measures in place. The children are studying from home with regular testing and progress review by our staff.
The boys have been asked to stay at the top section of the property while the girls stay on the lower section. The PCC kitchen and dining hall are on the lower section next to the girls’ dormitory. In order to keep the boys separate, the staff decided to use a kitchen at the top end of the property (inside the Shepherd School building) and appointed Johannes and Peter to be the cooks. The two boys are shining in their new jobs! It’s been a great way for them to develop a sense of responsibility and discipline.
We asked that our staff members in the COVID 19 “high risk” groups to stay home and shelter in place for the time being. We have two ladies from the village helping out as temporary workers. Our boys Peter and David are filling-in as herdsmen and managing livestock care.
Armed with the knowledge that hand washing is one of our best prevention tools, our managers have ensured that it happens regularly at PCC. We are blessed with the luxury of running water at PCC. But in the surrounding villages, people must walk daily to a local tap to collect water for their families. As you can imagine, this can make the simple advice of washing hands not so simple.
We were able to find ideas online for various hand washing systems that allow people to wash their hands with running water without requiring plumbing. Our Management Team ensured that each member of our PCC staff team has one installed at their homes. In addition, our Manager Ntate Moruti and 10-year old Bernadette installed hand washing stations outside our gates so travelers could also have a place to wash hands.
Keeping Warm
Some of our children have a real talent with needlework! Here Sophie models a hat made by 17-year old Samuel. Photo Credit: ‘Me Esther
For those that have visited Lesotho, you know that a formal greeting is an essential part of daily life in the community. Usually it ends after the “I’m fine, How are you?” pleasantries. But a sure sign of winter is when the greetings extend to commiseration over the cold. “It’s cold!” “Very cold!” “Winter is here.” “Yes, winter is here.”
Bernadette and Alina soak in the afternoon sun while concentrating on their projects. Photo credit: ‘Me Esther
Lately, the children have been busy with needlework making winter hats for themselves. (Double-bonus of keeping them occupied AND warm!) A special thanks to ‘Me Jill and Mari Eygabroad for contributing yarn toward these creations.
Local Aid Received
We would like to thank Alliance Insurance for a special donation of food this month.
Joseph continues to help as a tutor at PCC while he waits to start university. Even in rural Lesotho, selfies are common form of self-expression for teens. Photo credit: Joseph
Exciting news in our PCC family is that Joseph was accepted to study a 4-year course in Health Information Management at a university in Maseru! This young man has been a model of determination and dedication to his studies.
His application for a full bursary (scholarship) and living stipend will soon be under review. Please join us in praying that he has favor in the eyes of those awarding the bursaries and is able to begin his university studies fully-funded.